A 26-year old Italian female experiencing fatigue and hair loss in patches, was diagnosed with Hashimoto and alopecia areata. She came to RMRM to treat her hair loss. Following treatments, we received this email from her, along with the photo and video. “My hair has...
MARK HYMAN – Chief of Functional Medicine, Cleveland Clinic

MARK HYMAN – Chief of Functional Medicine, Cleveland Clinic

Dr. Hyman, a world-famous, nine-time #1 NY Times bestselling author on health and well-being, is an internationally recognized leader, speaker, educator and advocate in his field. He is dedicated to tackling the root causes of chronic disease by harnessing the power...
AMAL EASTON – Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belt National Champion

AMAL EASTON – Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belt National Champion

Amal, the first American Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt National Champion (2002) is a multiple-time Pan American and Worlds Masters champion, and one of the original American pioneers of the art. Amal started his first school, Easton Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Boulder, in...
CAMILLE LEBLANC – CrossFit World Champion

CAMILLE LEBLANC – CrossFit World Champion

  Camille came to RMRM with orthopedic injuries sustained during her professional sports career as well as a shoulder injury following an auto accident. She also had an interest in aesthetics. We performed cellular and exosome therapy...