Rocky Mountain Regenerative Medicine


Examples of conditions we treat

Diminished Female Lubrication
Erectile Dysfunction

Hypoactive Sexual Desire
Infrequent or Weak Orgasms
Insufficient Arousal

Sexual Health Treatments

Don’t simply attribute low libido, erectile dysfunction and dissatisfying or painful intercourse to normal aging. There are solutions!

Sexual dysfunction is a major public health concern and significantly impacts interpersonal relationships and quality of life for both men and women. About 1 in 10 men has a problem related to having sex, and this figure increases dramatically with age.

Sexual problems impact approximately 50% of women but are rarely discussed with a physician. Until recently, there had been various treatments for erectile dysfunction in men, but virtually no such options were available for women. Not any more – we have treatment options for sexual dysfunction in both men and women.

Sexual dysfunction can be caused by aging and prescribed drugs. In many cases, the cause is atherosclerosis. We approach sexual dysfunction complaints with discretion and have a multitude of therapeutic approaches available including nutrition consultation, bioidentical hormone replacement, platelet rich plasma therapy, stem cell therapy, and exosome therapy.

What to expect: Avoid aspirin or other anti-inflammatory medications about a week prior to the procedure.

Level of discomfort during and after treatment varies from person to person and based on the specifics of the procedure. We have the ability to administer medications for pain and sedation as needed.

Following the procedure, we recommend that a responsible friend or family member drive you home and that you rest for the first 24-48 hours.

Usually there is no downtime following treatment.

It is advised to refrain from taking any anti-inflammatory medications for at least two weeks following your procedure.