Rocky Mountain Regenerative Medicine


by Colleen Grady •

April 24, 2023

Friends, let’s talk about an injury that is too common among our athletes and weekend warriors. The anterior cruciate ligament tear, also known as an ACL tear. This is a common sports injury that can happen when your knee is twisted or bent forcefully, usually during high-intensity activities.

When it comes to an ACL tear, there are two types: a complete tear and a partial tear. A complete tear means that the ligament has completely separated into two pieces, while a partial tear means that only a portion of the ligament has been damaged.

When an ACL tear happens, you’re going to experience discomfort, pain, and probably some knee swelling. Not to mention, you might find it difficult to walk or bear weight on the affected leg. But don’t you worry, there are ways to treat it.

Now, if you’ve suffered a complete tear, the most effective treatment option is usually surgery. Knee surgery is not without risk, and you should carefully weigh all options. During surgery, the damaged ligament is replaced with a graft taken from another part of your body or a donor. Following surgery, physical therapy is necessary to help regain strength and mobility in the knee. Full recovery after surgery can take as long as 6-12 months before you are back to your pre-injury state.

On the other hand, if you’ve suffered a partial tear, the treatment options can vary depending on the severity of the injury. In some cases, rest, physical therapy, and a brace may be enough to allow the ligament to heal on its own. However, more often than not, folks are left with pain and incomplete healing.

RMRM has your alternative ACL tear solution for healing and repair. Shockwave therapy, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), Stem Cell Therapy, and peptides such as BPC 157 are some of the options our providers may recommend based on your individual injury and personal goals for healing. Our providers have helped thousands of patients heal knee injuries and strengthen joints using this revolutionary biologic treatment.

Stem Cell Therapy is non-invasive and is considered safe with minimal side effects, and minimal downtime or restrictions. The mesenchymal stem cells are harvested from your own adipose (fat) tissue through a liposuction procedure. The stem cells are then isolated and reinjected into the damaged tissue with precision under ultrasound or fluoroscopy guidance.

Since biologic therapies are derived from the patient’s own body, there is a low risk of an adverse reaction or infection. While regeneration and symptom improvement can take 3-6 months, most patients are back to their baseline functionality within 2 weeks, and continue to improve from there.

Whatever the treatment path you take, healing your ACL tear should always involve rest and physical therapy. Your recovery depends on the severity of the injury, your overall health, your activity level, and lifestyle goals. It’s crucial to take the necessary steps to heal and recover properly so you can get back to doing the things you love with those who matter most.

You’re in control of your body and your health, RMRM partners with you to ensure you remain at your peak longer than you thought possible.

If you are considering knee replacement surgery, be sure to watch this video before you make your decision:

5 Things Wrong With Knee Replacement You Need To Know

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